Making Lemonade

I'm a mom of 3, happily married and working part time. We live on a tight budget and I like to find creative ways to make it work. I like to post about my family, my crafts and my random thoughts! Enjoy!

Monday, February 19, 2007

Esther Knievel

She got bored riding her car the same way all the time so she's trying new things like standing on the seat.
She's gonna be just like her Daddy. He was so impressed when he saw her do it.
My little dare devil!
Happy Valentine's Day.. Esther reads her card and wears her shirt from Grandma and wears her hat from her other grandma.

a not-so-happy eye infection which is gone now:)
Bad hair day....but it doesn't seem to bother her!!

Esther got to explore on her own for a while

Esther:"Daddy don't leave me here!"
Daddy: "Esther I can still see you from the'll be fine by yourself!"
Esther:" Okay, I'll try to beg for some food too!"
When You're poor like us and you want to do fun things, you have to bring the babies along! We bought snowboarding passes and two of us stayed with the babies while two went out and had fun.

It was David and me and Pastor Chris and Julie and Esther and Callia. It was very fun dispite being in the middle of a lodge with a pack and play!!

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

We only get a few sacred hours with daddy these days since he's been working nights. In those short few hours, Esther was able to score some "daddy time" reading the Peterson's field giuds to NorthEastern Birds.

Wait here Daddy, I'm not done with this page!
Waffel face!

Help! I don't have any pictures of Esther Birthday because our camera died! I know that some of you took pictures so if you have any, please e-mail them to me!!
Kissy kissy little piggy! Esther has this new habbit of kissing her stuffed animals.


You're next mommy!