Making Lemonade

I'm a mom of 3, happily married and working part time. We live on a tight budget and I like to find creative ways to make it work. I like to post about my family, my crafts and my random thoughts! Enjoy!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Horsey Daddy

Auntie Melissa

Esther and Cody building a "swimming pool"
Me and my sisters

Esther and Cody

My carefree little girl
Esther and Callia dancing ( I think Esther has food in her mouth int he first picture)
Elan made a mess out of all my potted garden plants while I was drying my hair in the other room.

Esther got too tired of waiting for me and just feel asleep where she was...notice that only one leg is on the treadmill

Elan's first birthday..not a happy time. Cupcakes can be scary things!!!