Making Lemonade

I'm a mom of 3, happily married and working part time. We live on a tight budget and I like to find creative ways to make it work. I like to post about my family, my crafts and my random thoughts! Enjoy!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Sorry I haven't blogged in a while. We've been been busy busy busy and I don't know how mom's do it!!!!

Becca came to visit for a while and got to meet the newest member

Esther showed off her motorcycle outfit once again. Wish Becca's husband Ward was here to see it! He would have appreciated it
We went to Lake George for the 4th of July. WE got to go on P.Moore's boat and stayed on the island with him and his family! It was so fun. Elan didn't quite fit in the life jacket. It smooshed his chubby cheeks.
David and Esther relaxing

Auntie and Elan

Esther "watching" Elan sleep

Auntie and Esther on P. Moore's of Esther's favorite memories!!

Mommy and Esther on the tube@!
Lake George continued...

Elan taking an afternoon nap on the grass

Esther and Tuomas go fishing....

Esther salutes our flag

David and Esther gaze at the beautiful surroundings

We had a long car ride up to new york. we found this tactic works pretty well to keep him quiet...
Esther decided that this pink fleece hat is her "motorcycle helmet", she suits up so she can get out and ride. luckily she also found some rec specs and and old belt of mommy's. the perfect outfit, I'd say.
Rach's booth at convention. Her and Mama P. worked so hard in the heat to raise money for the mission field. She will be leaving in October. Please keep her in your prayers as she prays about where to go and how (money) to get there.

Esther enjoyed the freedom of almost being outside the "safety" of the booth...
Happy 30th to Cathy!
My lovely sister and handsome husband had a party for me! Lots of kids, water balloons, and fiends!

and of course a cake. miles and I enjoy it on the back porch
Fun with Grandma Barbara.

A very labored "airplane"...but at least she can still do it upon request!!
Not bad for 64!!

Grandpa Joe, on the other hand....well once he's down on the floor he takes advantage of the opportunity:)

Fun with Grandpa Joe! WE took my dad to the Orioles game for father's day. It was lots of fun to see a game in Camden Yards.