Making Lemonade

I'm a mom of 3, happily married and working part time. We live on a tight budget and I like to find creative ways to make it work. I like to post about my family, my crafts and my random thoughts! Enjoy!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

First bath together!

Esther says "Yook! Momma duck an baby duck takin a baf."

Elan's covering up with the bucket, how cute!
What better way to show you care than to eat fruit together?

"Look, Elan fits in Bear-Bear's stroller!"

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

A Petersen family picnic
David hurt his back so I was helping to get to and fro. Andrew was helping him first and it was so funny, but being the copy "Cat" that I am, I wanted to do it too!

Sarah and Erin

David and Erika

Jeremy and Elan share a moment
A beautiful walk on the beach. The sunset was gorgeous!

We took advantage of the opportunity for a family photo
Drip castles- Esther learned about these magnificent edifices while on vacation this year.
Another young girl showed her the technique and shortly after she asked the helping friend, " Girl, can you go make your own..."

Elan's first beach expereince: Sleeping in the car seat

Grandpa showing him the waves

Grandma time
Esther learned about being a "T.V. junkie" from Grandpa

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Rachie walked to the beach with us one morning and we made sandcastles (as tall as Olivia's..the pig) and Elan saw the ocean for the first time.

Elan's first time at the beach...asleep in the snuggly!
Nikki and JOsiah.

Esther and Hope got a chance to play at the tot lot a few weeks ago. They are both so independent though and sometimes would rather play alone. But here, Hope shares her raisins and Esther waits patiently with her hand out.

Hope in the car, she hops in the the Dukes of Hazard and doesn't use the door:)

Little Elan snuggling in the sling

These are our friends who are missionaries in Northern China. Pastor Javid, Rassima and Mikki. They are awesome servants of God. Right now they are by themselves, but they are praying for a larger team......hmmmm
Elan has been watching me eat and opening his mouth like he wants to eat.
Elan is getting so big that he is now in the "johnny jumper". he doesn't like it though because he has to use his fat legs to jump:)