Making Lemonade

I'm a mom of 3, happily married and working part time. We live on a tight budget and I like to find creative ways to make it work. I like to post about my family, my crafts and my random thoughts! Enjoy!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

I have just fixed the problem with leaving comments. I didn't realize that I had set it so only blog users could post.
Now you all may post!! I look forward to reading them:)
Esther shows her exhilaration going down the slide.

and competes on the slide with her faithful companion Tuomas

I have to say it's a tough call who won. They're both so darn fast!!

"going out on a limb!"

This is David in British Columbia on his snowboard going off a tree limb!

This is Rene trying to find a way to get across the river...

( for all you mothers biting your nails in fear....Tuomas was NOT in the stroller! I made Rene take him out first)
a "splashing" good time! We took the babies to Gunpowder on a little hike. They very much enjoyed the water and couldn't understand why they weren't allowed to play in it.

I eventually conceded!!
Esther has been doing a lot of reading lately.
I had to take this one picture from my lap because she wouldn't get up. She just likes to sit on my lap with her books. It's cute. I especially love how she sits so slowly and makes sure she's in the right position before she "lands".

Friday, March 16, 2007

Esther shows off her souvenir from Daddy while he was in Vancouver, Canada.
She loves to walk around with it on her back. It's so cute. Good pick Daddy!

Her shirt says it case you can't read it, it says" I need a bath!"
Kisses, Hugs and Free rides!

Esther's "prayer closet" happens to be in the bathroom, under the counter. Our spiritual little girl:)
We went to the zoo one cold Sunday afternoon (because it was free) with the Simard family.
You can see how interested she was at first. She did perk up when we got to the apes, however.

Daddy watches the polar bears

The lovely Simard family ready to explore!
a shivering "sita" and some zebras
pink flamingos and a polar bear

Monday, March 05, 2007

"E.K." strikes again, finding a way to fall out of her crib the other day.
We can't figure out how she dit it..but that's the thing with super heros- they never tell you how they do their tricks. Luckily she walked a way with only one bump on her head. We have since moved her crib so that she has an even larger wall to climb.
the adventures never end!
A tender moment with Mommy's bear

There was a post back when she was a few months old where she and" mr. bear" had a few words.. I think she was wearing overalls then too!!!
Maisie's birthday party! Here she is with her new princess shoes

Here's Esther in the "princess" chair

Esther and Emma practice their moves in the Veader dojo!

Although this picture isn't nearly as cute as the actual thing..I put it on anyway.
The other day after I gave Esther her bottle, I looked over and she had her teddy in her arms like a baby and she was "feeding" it her bottle. I didn't get the camera out quick enough..but she continues to do it so maybe we'll get a sighting soon....
Her new thing is to "talk" on the phone. She holds it the wrong way to her ear, as you can see and she walks around saying "Dadn?" "Dadn?"